A farmer and his wife are given the gift of a parrot from a relative. The
Parrot, a male, sneaks out and screws the next door neighbor turkeys and rushes
back home, but not before being caught in the act.
The neighbors knock on the door and explain what the Parrot was up to. The
owners reprimand the parrot and tell him if he doesn't stop it, they will have
to shave his head.
That night the Parrot, overcome with desire, sneaks out again and screws his
neighbor's turkeys again. The next morning the owner ties the bird down and
proceeds to shave his head. The next day at the farmer's daughters wedding, to
please the relative, who had given them the parrot, they sit the parrot on the
piano and tell him that he should greet all the guests and direct them to their
seats in the church.
The parrot is doing fine. "Groom's guests to the left and Bride's guests to
the right."
Until finally two bald men arrive and then he announces, "And you two Turkey
fuckers up on the piano with me!!!"