At the government buildings in London, a guard had flinched and his C.O. had
seen and walked up to him and said:
C.O.: Jones!! Did I just see you flinch Jones?!?
Jones: Yes sir.
C.O. : Why did you flinch Jones?!
Jones: Well, you see Sir. I was standing right here, when all of a sudden, a
squirrel came out of that tree, ran across the yard, up me pant leg and nestled
in me crotch Sir.
C.O. : Ahh...So that's when you flinched..Eh Jones?!
Jones: No Sir ...about that same time, a squirrel came out of the other tree,
went up me pant leg and nestled in me crotch Sir.
C.O. : That's when you flinched ..Eh Jones?!
Jones: No Sir...It's when they began to speak and said "Let's eat one now and
save the other for winter